➡ Click here: Ssc cgl last date to apply 2018
Tier-I exam of SSC CGL 2018 has been postponed. You need to get it by online mode and no call letter will be send by postal address. S Candidates are exempted to paying the fees.
Finding difficulty in social online SSC CGL Application form. Only change is the mode of exam from Offline to Computer based Exam. Step 6: In the next step, candidates are required to upload photograph and signature by following the requisites mentioned by Staff Selection Commission of India. Candidates who are waiting for the CGL Idea Apply Online will able to know the complete infrmation form below here. Stay in touch us and we will help you find a right job. It is advisable for the interested applicants to finish the process of application in due time. Watch this video to between the step-wise guidelines to fill the SSC CGL 2018 Application Form Video: How to fill SSC CGL Application Form 2018. Stay Tuned for Examination related notifications and updates.
The acceptable dimensions are 100 x 120 pixels. The SSC CGL Exam 2016 had an initial count of 4500 to 5000 vacancies. The Staff Selection Commission is going to conducts the CGL 2018 Exam every year successfully.
SSC CGL 2018 notification out, apply for Tier I exam online at ssc.nic.in - You can read the below mentoned official notification for more details.
SSC CGL 2018 Online Application SSC CGL 2018 Notification has been released on 5th May 2018. The online application process started post release of official notification by SSC. The entire application process is to be completed online. Application fee of Rs. No application fee is required to be paid by female candidates and candidates belonging to reserved category. The Online Application Process started on 5th May 2018 and will end on 4th June 2018. One can also pay the application fee offline in the form of Challan in the concerned bank and enter the details of the Challan in the payment window of Part-II of the registration form. Do not forget to verify your entire details before submitting the form. The scanned copy of signature must be in jpg format and it should be more than 1 kb in size and less than 12 kb. By submitting the application form by attaching and uploading your Signature and Photograph, you will be done with Part-I of the registration Process. Verify the entire data entered by you.